Dear readers, this is my rubric area for the evaluation of the tutorial on the grammar point within the TU developed during these months as a part of my PLE.
I would like you to kindly read the following table according to the grading scale used in USA (everything has been taken into account) so afterwards, you can access freely to a survey in which you will mark from A (maximum) to F (minimum) different features from the video I have uploaded to my YouTube account, also available on the page "Videos" on the top of this blog. Thank you very much for voting!

RUBRIC (Rúbrica)


Jaume Feliu (@jfeliua)0-59%60-69%70-79%80-100%

ContentsDoes not seem to understand the topic very well.Shows a good understanding of parts of the topic.Shows a good understanding of the topic.Shows a full understanding of the topic.20%

Non-verbal Communication
Very little use of facial expressions or body language. Did not generate much interest in topic being presented.Facial expressions and body language are used to try to generate enthusiasm, but seem somewhat faked.Facial expressions and body language sometimes generate a strong interest and enthusiasm about the topic in others.Facial expressions and body language generate a strong interest and enthusiasm about the topic in others.20%

PausesPauses were not intentionally used.Pauses were intentionally used but were not effective in improving meaning or dramatic impact.Pauses were effectively used once to improve meaning and/or dramatic impact.Pauses were effectively used 2 or more times to improve meaning and/or dramatic impact.5%

Speaks ClearlyOften mumbles or can not be understood OR mispronounces more than one word.Speaks clearly and distinctly most ( 94-85%) of the time. Mispronounces no more than one word.Speaks clearly and distinctly all (100-95%) the time, but mispronounces one word.Speaks clearly and distinctly all (100-95%) the time, and mispronounces no words.10%

Stays on TopicIt was hard to tell what the topic was.Stays on topic some (89%-75%) of the time.Stays on topic most (99-90%) of the time.Stays on topic all (100%) of the time.15%

Time ManagementPresentation is less than 3 minutes OR more than 6 minutes.Presentation is 3 minutes long.Presentation is 4 minutes long.Presentation is 5-6 minutes long.15%

VocabularyUses several (>5) words or phrases that are not understood by the audience.Uses vocabulary appropriate for the audience. Does not include any vocabulary that might be new to the audience.Uses vocabulary appropriate for the audience. Includes 1-2 words that might be new to most of the audience, but does not define them.Uses vocabulary appropriate for the audience. Extends audience vocabulary by defining words that might be new to most of the audience.5%
VolumeVolume often too soft to be heard by all audience members.Volume is loud enough to be heard by all audience members at least 80% of the time.Volume is loud enough to be heard by all audience members at least 90% of the time.Volume is loud enough to be heard by all audience members throughout the presentation.10%

SURVEY (Formulario)

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