
This page contains a proposal socalled PRACTICUM which is included in my Teaching Master's Degree at UMH, and it has been subsequently divided into two subjects. The final aim here is at collecting the activities I observed and perfomed in the mornings at my internship centre. 

On the one hand, you will have access to a timing table elaborated using Google Drive Sheets in which there will be a record and description of every single day, exercise and responsible for each session, etc.

On the other hand, you can go and read weekly my new posts that will summarise my experiences and critics in the classroom. And... Sometime this April 2017my readers will be able to read my teacher training report about the period I have spent at EOI ELX just by clicking on the tab above named "PRACTICUM II".

I really hope to open a whole new world as far as adults language teaching from this internship period, because...

"You cannot teach a languageonly create the conditions under which it might be learned." Humboldt

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