Hello my readers,
Today I am glad to introduce you my Teaching Unit "Lost in the States" throughout a dashboard I have elaborated myself using Piktochart, a powerful tool for creating graphics and having a great success without investing a large period of time. Piktochart offers a wide variety of templates so you can complete them with your information and make it visually attractive to the audience!
This "impact" created on the students, could have been also achieved with music, or a short video, but I prefered an image to start with. If we look closer, not just taking the first impression, this poster can lead to a brainstorming or a debate, in other words, valuable opportunities both for the students, to share anecdotes, and for the teachers to get to know their students previous knowledge on the contents.
Moreover, I am very keen on bringing realia (authentic daily objects) to the classroom as to relate their lives to the topics we are dealing with.
Applying now the two previous suggestions to my teaching unit, we could start dividing our students into small groups of five and challenging them to discover what we will talk a about for the next weeks. As teachers, we can project the image on a big screen (as far as the school owns a projector) or print it big size and pass it around or post it on the walls/doors. For those with visual difficulties, we could also play the USA nation hymn at low volumn, let them touch a flag with many stars in 3D, or even a relieve map! And remember always to sit them in the first rows.
Applying now the two previous suggestions to my teaching unit, we could start dividing our students into small groups of five and challenging them to discover what we will talk a about for the next weeks. As teachers, we can project the image on a big screen (as far as the school owns a projector) or print it big size and pass it around or post it on the walls/doors. For those with visual difficulties, we could also play the USA nation hymn at low volumn, let them touch a flag with many stars in 3D, or even a relieve map! And remember always to sit them in the first rows.
TIP: During the first session of every unit, misspronunciation may happen between the students, do not worry about it! It would not help them repeating as machines several times their mistakes. Let their speaking turns flow.
I really hope this post has being helpful!
I really hope this post has being helpful!
Looking forward to keeping in touch.
Mrs Bacaicoa
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