
Reading comprehension skills: TRAVEL GUIDES RESEARCH

Hello, my readers! 

The core purpose of this publication is to practise the students' reading skills as well as giving them the needed standards in order to investigate on a concrete topic (TRAVELING TO THE STATES) using the Internet: 

Afterwards, your students will be able to combine their abilities to perform their own project in public: the performance of an oral exposition focusing on the one of the areas of research proposed by the teacher or their own elections:

  • Climate
  • Geography (land area, oceans, mountains, etc.)
  • History 
  • Inhabitants (number, races, religions, etc,)
  • Languages spoken
  • Time zones

TIPS for Special Educational Needs: 
  • Lower readers may need adapted texts or/and extra recommendations/guidelines as far as the information they have to find (FIRST..., THEN...)
  • The opportunity of choosing their areas of research about the country will benefit your ASD students, who will be encouraged to participate with their favourite topics.

Miss Bacaicoa

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