

Hello, my readers!

Tuesday, 21st February

Group 9B:
THEORY. MODAL VB can/can’t expressing permission and possibility (the teacher focused on the importance of rhythm, stress, and their pronunciation). So far, they know CAN as an auxiliary verb, and they learnt that it is always stressed in negative: can (/kən/), can’t (/kɑːnt/), “Yes you can!” (/kæn/).

Worksheet: this is for homework but they can help each other; ss. will have to correct the mistakes in real sentences that have been taken from their own errors by the teacher.

Teamwork: in groups of 4 (one exception, a couple), the teacher handed in a big photocopy (A3) with a photo of a man and several columns to write about his personal details, hobbies, week habits, etc. discussing them with the group. Rather than to elaborate a composition, ss. were asked to write down unconnected sentences and make agreements with their colleagues. Afterwards in part 2, a composition will be required and checked by the teacher.

Group 11B:
Warming up. First of all, ss. checked aloud some listening tasks about compound adjectives, hey had done last Thursday 16th in class, with the teacher’s help. The new items introduced that I found the most interesting were: hands-free, dead-end, feel-good, ground-breaking, high-pitch.

SPEAKING. In the 21st Century, it is more and more demanded, it not compulsed, to be able to perform a speech in front of an audience. The chosen topic this week was a thirty-days challenge I would like to do (First, volunteers performed, ACTUALLY ONLY 2 PEOPLE DID IT; after each exposition, Roge gave them some feedback). Individually and choosing if they wanted to speak standing up or not.

Students were encouraged to google it and find about EOI Pinto (in Madrid) to extra practice. This website offers online exercises from the English Department. It was intended to listen together an audio about "setting up a company" and then a comprehension activity (attached below this paragraph), but the listening was not working due to a fail on the access to Internet.

We did not work on the following PHOTOCOPY but it was handed in to ss. in order to keep a summary of modal verbs used to make recommendations.

TEAM WORK: “How to survive…” 
They had to write 3 FOR & 3 AGAINST reasons for the following situation (page 55): there is a couple whose parents-in-law are going to stay with them for two weeks, decide whether it would be better to accommodate them at home or at a hotel. 

Afterwards, they were sharing aloud their opinions and a debate was created. Then, moving from big groups into pairs, they spoke again about the same issue, this time just giving one advantage and one disadvantage for each option.

Wednesday, 22nd February

Group 9A: 
First of all, they checked together “My favourite mistakes” worksheet. 

INDIVIDUAL WRITING. Character poster PART 2, Roge had already corrected their errors at home so, they received their unconnected info (sentences) corrected and also, the teacher had chosen the best (with less grammar mistakes) and photocopy sample for everyone to distribute. 

All of them have the same story now, in order to write a composition and practice for the exam next week. Three paragraphs were required. 

To make it easier, Roge prepared a lined sheet in which they were obliged to write in the pair lines as the even numbers were reserved for corrections. Linkers to use at least once: and but, or, before, after, when, because.

Group 9B: 
They did exactly the same as 9A. I realised that the total of students is 24, and only 3 out of them are men.

Thursday, 23rd February

Group 11B:
TEXTBOOK - Vocabulary (page 150). 
They started the lesson checking an exercise (fill in the gaps with the correct preposition) on collocations (adj + prep). E.g. addicted to, fed up with, dependent on, open to, sick of, hooked on, proud of, keen on, obsessed with, helpful to.

#WOW :)
As they are so talkative, different conversations were coming up out of the blue and thus, new chances to interact and speak.

Listening (about addictions): First, some new vocabulary, their accurate pronunciation, as well as their Spanish equivalents were introduce to ss. E.g. dopamine, to quit a substance or a behaviour, withdrawal symptoms, to wear sb. Of sth., to go cold turkey, a life-threatening condition, nicotine patches, to have councelling, to have a relapse. Second, listen to the recording twice.

Speaking closing activity. 
This activity was really helpful for ss. to use and distinguish between QUESTION TAGS (which can be affirmative or negative, and ECHO or confirmation QUESTIONS (affirmative/affirm. with auxiliary verb). They walked around the classroom to ask their classmates and then, they shared the funniest answers with the whole group and Roge. I think it would be an easy and enjoyable activity to implement in high levels at the same time that ss. get to know each other and create a pleasant learning atmosphere.

Miss Bacaicoa

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